Many years ago in 1992 when I was just a wee little farm girl, I moved to the 'big smoke' Auckland to begin my life as a preschool teacher. What I didn't know was that God was setting me up to hijack my life for missions...but that is another story.
In Takapuna I started this YWAM early childhood teacher training school and my leaders were this young American couple; Brian and Ruth Golden. I say young but I did not realise how young they were until a few years later when I was the same age and thought back to all the responsibility they had...but at the time I was 17 so anyone over 21 was old...er in my eyes. This couple quickly grew with the arrival of Mahealani a month into the school. Over the next three years Jevon and Austin can along as well.....we had great fun being Aunties, but I was especially close to Mahea.
We were an interesting bunch of students who grew very close after three years of living and working together; and there was always the Golden Family who guided us on our journey.
Now after many years in Hawaii they are moving to the awesome half of the world...closer to the best country in the world...NZ, that's right they are moving to that other country beside NZ.
YIPPEE for them!
May God bless you all HUGELY in your move and settling in to a new country and work and friends.
Love you lots