Hello from beautiful sunny Cape Town!
I am definitely getting closer to home! There are many similarities I have found between NZ and Cape Town which makes the place feel very familiar. When I first arrived I was picked up by Jireh (who I did my communication school with in 2006 in Switzerland). We stayed with her parents the first night and then when to her place in Stellenbosh for two nights. People are very friendly here and it was great to spend time getting to know people who do not live on a YWAM base! One night we even went to watch Jireh’s sister play indoor netball and it just felt like home!
I then went to the YWAM base in Muizenberg and we had a YWAM/UofN staff training event which was good to be at. Now I am here until Friday doing random things; visiting the area. Saturday some of us went into Cape Town city; beautiful place and I really enjoyed the atmosphere. The V & A Waterfront was especially nice. Today I was out on the beach in Muizenberg and got some colour on my skin….mainly red, but still it is colour! Here are a few photos to enjoy….more on my photos site….the link is on the side here.
Looking forward to flying into NZ!!!!!
I am definitely getting closer to home! There are many similarities I have found between NZ and Cape Town which makes the place feel very familiar. When I first arrived I was picked up by Jireh (who I did my communication school with in 2006 in Switzerland). We stayed with her parents the first night and then when to her place in Stellenbosh for two nights. People are very friendly here and it was great to spend time getting to know people who do not live on a YWAM base! One night we even went to watch Jireh’s sister play indoor netball and it just felt like home!
I then went to the YWAM base in Muizenberg and we had a YWAM/UofN staff training event which was good to be at. Now I am here until Friday doing random things; visiting the area. Saturday some of us went into Cape Town city; beautiful place and I really enjoyed the atmosphere. The V & A Waterfront was especially nice. Today I was out on the beach in Muizenberg and got some colour on my skin….mainly red, but still it is colour! Here are a few photos to enjoy….more on my photos site….the link is on the side here.
Looking forward to flying into NZ!!!!!