It gets very tiring to look at my blog and think I should update it (I WANT to update it) and then the day slips by and woosh two months pass by.....
I am now five weeks into the School of Communication Foundations, still here in Burtigny, Switzerland. But first a little update for the past few months.....
The APC school was one of the best times I have had. It was so great to be a student again and really great to be challenged in my thinking and how I view the world. I did my final paper on the current situation in Russia; and it was very interesting to really look at what the Russian people are wanting and choosing as their leaders. I tied top-of-the-class in grades so I was amazed and happy with that. After many years telling myself that I am of average intelligence and average came as a surprise to know that actually I do have a brain that works quite well.
What made the first three months most memorable was my classmate and staff. We just got on so well and became a very social close group. I still miss them today...thankfully 4 of the students are still here on base doing various things and of course the staff are still here as well.
In the few days between the two schools I went to visit my new base of operations. I am moving to Restenas in Southern Sweden in July to start the communications school there and continue my work with the YWAM University of the Nations. It was very good to go there and be reminded of where my work and home will be for the next two years. The people there are super friendly and welcoming so I am looking forward to moving there……Still miss my friends in Borgen though.
Now, as I said, the School of Communication Foundations is in its 5th week. I am co-leading with Susi who was my leader when I did the school in 2006. We have 10 students and 3 staff....a small group but one that is very diverse in ages and cultures. It has been good to practice my teaching skills as I taught the Public Speaking week, it went well and I learnt a lot as well. I am looking forward to seeing how this class will grow and what God will teach us though the school.
Plus Mum and Dad where visiting that week and were able to sit in for a couple of sessions which was great. They are continuing their 4 month trip around Europe and I will see them again for a few days in Sweden in July.
Thank you to those who are still bothering to check my blog site! I will not promise I will write soon, but I do hope to. I am also on if you are there (and I know you) connect!
PS...Update on my computer which I mentioned last time. My insurance paid out the cost of replacing the screen, I have decided to use that money to go towards a MacBook which I am saving up for now. It will take a little while to save, but until them I can keep using my Dell, although the dead pixals are slowly taking over the screen!
PPS Here are a couple of random photos...check out my photo site for more....