January: Amsterdam I got to be a part of ‘UniQuip’ in Amsterdam, which is a week- long training event for YWAM staff. Over 90 people from many nations who work mostly in Europe came together for meetings and specific skill-focused workshops. For me the best part was to see again the bigger picture of YWAM internationally – in many ways it is like getting a can of spinach (which is a new burst of energy and inspiration for those who do not know the Popeye reference). The spectrum of work focus for the participants was broad, from a group of young people working in Afghanistan to others who work in training and administration. Yet all were there because of their heart to see peoples and nations lives transformed by God.
February till now: SFI Swedish for Immigrants Most of my time in the last months has been focused on learning Swedish. “Why? You may ask. Several reasons: Firstly, language is the key to people and their culture. Although most Swedes speak excellent English, I am living in their nation and want to connect and understand them on a deeper level. Secondly, I knew if I did not MAKE the time I would never learn the language (Exhibit A; four years in Norway, very little Norwegian). Thirdly, it is great to get my brain trained to learn languages which will help me in the future. Finally, it just makes life a lot easier when you can read what is written and understand what is spoken around you!
Overall I am really glad I have taken this time to go to school and see that it is helping me be more effective in what I do here in Sweden. There is also a great love for this nation and the people growing in me.
I have really enjoyed my time in SFI. I drive 20 minutes into Uddevalla to the government-run school. The school itself is free which is a HUGE blessing! There are over a hundred adult students, most are refugees but there are also a number of “love-immigrants” who are together to Swedes. It is really the case of the mission field coming to us as I have met people from Ethiopia, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Brazil, Poland, Thailand and the Philippines...plus more! It has been fun! Most rewarding for me has been to get to know the Muslims. Seeing woman in headscarves can summon stereotypes in our minds (or at least it did in mine!). But to meet these people, especially the women, has been an eye opener and a privilege. They are so warm, friendly and intelligent.
I am advancing in my Swedish and have definitely improved. At this stage I can understand quite a lot and have basic conversations about familiar subjects. However the more I learn the more I see how much MORE there is to learn, especially as I learn more and more grammar. Still, I am so encouraged to know that I CAN learn languages!
Coming-up: Next week I will go to the middle of Finland for another ‘UniQuip’. This time I will be a part of the leadership team and also will teach a workshop of “Learning Unleashed”. The topic is about creating classroom and teaching environments that are effective and relevant to the way people learn. I really love this topic and find it so exciting to see people realize that they can learn and the school can be an exciting place to be. The event is one week long but I will go a little earlier to help set up. The rest of the summer I will be working on base and with school related projects, with also a few weeks holiday (likely camping around Southern Sweden) somewhere in there.
From August onwards my focus will be on the upcoming School of Communication Foundations (SCF). I have 5 accepted students already and am very excited to see who will come. The school will run from September until December and you can read more about it here:
In December I plan to come home (NZ home) and hope to be there for two months. YIPPPEEE!!!
Thank you for your friendship, love and support!
God Bless,
Prayer Points:
• For the UniQuip and my leading and teaching there.
• I step more into the areas that God has gifted me in.
• I clearly recognize the doors that God opens in front of me.
• There is an increase in financial support.
• A good end to my focused time in language learning.
• Good preparations for the SCF.