About the people; those who are in NZ I have not seen for two years now...about the kids who are growing up fast and the ones who I have not met yet. About the people who are supporting me and my ministry and how incredibly humbling to be blessed in this way. About how I will only be home in December for one month....and how short that is....and already
planning my visit after my next visit. About how negligent I have been about keeping in contact and how I want to but excuses and time seem to be against me.

There is a burden on my heart to pray for NZ. A burden to again see many people go overseas in missions and to be Godly influences in every part of society they live and work in in New Zealand itself. To see the very unique giftings and blessings Kiwi's have, to be a blessing to their neighbours, areas and other countries. We are different...we do have gifts in areas others do not...we are sure not perfect, but nobody is....we carry a unique piece of God to bring to others.
I am glad I am a Kiwi.....I do not wish to be another.....and even though I am far away....my heart is always close. I miss home.
*sings* Kiwis love, hot pools, rugby balls, McDonald's, snapper schools, world peace, woolly fleece, Ronald and raising beasts, chilly bins, cricket wins, fast skis, golf tees, silver ferns, kauri trees, Kiwiburger, love one please...
... Cos we love All Blacks, thermal dacks, egg and cheese, walking tracks, beef pattie, marching girls, tomato, lettuce, paua shells, gumboots, punga shoots, floppy hats and kiwifruits, beetroot, buzzybees, moggy cats and cabbage trees, onions, kakapos, kia-oras, cheerios, jandals, sandals, ketchup, Coromandels, swandri's, butterflies, mustard, fishing flies, hokey-pokey, Maori haka, Kiwiburger, that's our tucker...!
Hey Helen, what a lovely post! We are really looking forward to seeing you in December if you have time. You are wonderful! Stay well, love, T :-)
Hi Helen!
Oh, so touching, I almost feel maybe I should consider going to New Zeeland one day! At least I need to pray for your country. In fact right now I'm missing home, too. In a month I should be there. And I'm finding almost every day new good reasons for being in Finland the next couple of years instead of being anywhere else :). Much love to you from every side:)
Hei Helen!
How are you doing? I miss you! Have been thinking about Borgen and all the people up there.
I love the summer time, it is nice and warm :) One week left, then I'm done at the kindergarden. 5 months passed by so quickly...
I would like to hear from you :)
I'm finally taking my driving school, and I have a really nice teacher, she is teaching me to drive a yellow Mini Cooper! I love that car! :D
Okay, gotta go.
Love you!
Helen, Look forward to seeing you in our (NZ)December summer, Bring lotion tho' as the ozone is getting thin down here. We were over in London in May catching up with our Vicki; she is in Batersea.
oh my flying kiwi...
you are amazing. i feel so close to your heart even as i read these little blog entries of yours. yes, they are too few and far in between... but not as much as mine... but still- its good to know that you are well and that God is impressing Himself on your heart about such special things... especially about who you are and where you are from...
i'm here in the great south land... we need to catch up.. BIG TIME. the school of design starts in less than 3 weeks! ... holding strong for the most part, but potential panick attack if i stare at the calendar any lonoger... as you can imagine. :) i miss you heaps and heaps... when you said you were gonna be at home in december i automatically thought... LAYOVER IN TOWNSVILLE... what? hehe... shoot me an email... are you in Burtigny still or has the SCF ended? yes, we need to catch up... SOON. i'll call you... somehow...
love, the filipino princess
Hey Helen. Minto misses you too. We often think and pray for you. Alaina Gibson is talking about going to NZ with YWAM or on her own. Don't know. But anyhow, I will forward this site to her mom and she can get in contact with you. Lots of questions to ask you about your country. We love you and can't wait to see you again in the future.
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